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August 31, 2011


Michelle Mach

It's on my calendar!


You know I'm in!!

Georgene Lockwood

I'm in! I got my sari ribbon last week from you (it's gorgeous) and I have my idea, so off we go!


I'm done with it so, yes, I am playing!


What do I have to do to be involved ?

Brenda Sue Lansdowne

You can post your blog URL and name here or you can contact me through my website at http://www.bsueboutiques.com to let me know, just click on the Contact US button. Or you can message me at Brenda Sue Lansdowne at FB with your information. The final list will be posted here on this blog the day before the hop!

Diana P.

Count me in! I have tons of pretty sari ribbon waiting around to be used!

Pam Chesbro

I have no idea what to make but I'm sure that something will come to mind. I love the sari ribbon colors. My daughter is here from NYC and she is really into hair jewelry. She snagged my newest bead embroidery piece and declared it perfect for a headband. I just lost my cuff I think. Maybe I should take the hint!

Susan Kennedy

I'm in too - www.suebeads.blogspot.com I'll be over to get some sari ribbon!


I just set up a blog and I'm so excited to join in. I have my fingers crossed dat I set up my blog right..(:


My bad this is my blog address..


I'm in!


I'm in for sure!! http://fireflyvisions.blogspot.com

Diana P.

Heh I forgot to post my blog url... www.suburbangirlstudio.com

Brenda Sue Lansdowne

Gotcha, Diane and Michelle! You're on the list!

Heather Goldsmith

This sounds like fun. I've purchased some from your store and am hoping it gets here reasonably fast. Thanks. ;-)

Elizabeth Owens Dwy

Hi B'Sue- I have been waiting for this... don't know when sign ups started -have been crazy busy with damage from Irene etc..I want to play my blog is www.clarityofpurplesage.blogspot.com...now to order the ribbon from you- I will pm you onfb as well.
((((soft Hugs))))

Charissa Sloper

Sounds like fun. I'll have to finally start my blog and post the link :)


so happy I found out about this great bit of fun. I'm in . i've never worked with sari ribbon befor and look forward to the challenge

Account Deleted

Sounds fun! My first blog hop wohoo! I'm in!

Rosemarie Cowit

Okay I am in!! I have a brand-new blog already and youa re right it is just the impetus I need t commit to posting now regularly-

Cathie Carroll

Please, add my name to the list.
Sari Silk is one of my favorite things to work with!

Warm regards,


Brenda Sue Lansdowne

Hey Cathie, that would be great! I need the URL of your blog.....please get in touch! THANKS! EVERYONE: if you want to be part, message Brenda Sue Lansdowne at Facebook, or contact me through the website at http://www.bsueboutiques.com and that way I will see you fastest and get you on the list. I need name, URL and your email!


I love me some sari ribbon jewelry! Count me in.

Susan  Rouleau

Count me in for the Sari Ribbon Blog Hop. I am going to order the sari ribbon right now.

Susan  Rouleau

Forgot to add the blog address!!!

Erin Prais-Hintz

I'll think about it... sounds like fun!

Sonya Stille

My have figured it out....I am in and here is my blog..http://dreaminofbeads.blogspot.com

Brenda Sue Lansdowne

Great Sonya....I have you on the list. I hope everyone will tune in here OCTOBER 12 to get the full list as the blog hop only works if you post the list to YOUR blog. So you'll need to copy and paste it for the 14Th!

cathy buckley/cat's meow

brenda sue, do you have my blog URL?? here it is! http://cathybuckleycatsmeow.blogspot.com/

Brenda Sue Lansdowne

Not to worry, Cathy! You are ON the list!

Connie Rios-Relyea

When will you be giving out the URL List for the Blog Hop?

Connie Rios-Relyea

Sorry! I just read when you will be giving out the list:-)))


Can I come along and play?

Janice Everett

Love Sari ribbon and in need of some fabulous new colors so will be going shopping in your store this week :). Count me in if there's room...my blog is:
Looks to be a fun HOP :)

Brenda Sue Lansdowne

Janice, I have you on the list! Davinia, you can absolutely play, I just need your blog address.


Thank you so much!
My blog is www.daviniadesign.com


Hi, please can you add my name to the list? Sounds like a fun blog hop!
Deb x

gauntlet with hidden dagger

That cat looks hilarious! Little darling.


If it's good for Meep, it's good for me! Count me in!



alice craddick

Got my order in the mail, forming my design in my head- getting ready to get to work. I have posted it on my blog, however I could not figure out how to add the button???? I did copy and paste the link to this page so it can be found, hope other join from my site... Ca't wait to try sari- I have never used it before- what a wonderful excuse!!

sharon palac

I just discovered your blog and I would love to play!


Brenda Sue Lansdowne

Sure Sharon....just remember to come to this blog Oct 12 to copy-paste the list of participants. At this time I think we have 34...and I just added YOU!

Deb Bee

I can't remember if I joined or not?
Deb Bee


I'm in! Excited!

Brenda Sue Lansdowne

Don't worry Deb! I've got you on now!

Anyone else who wants to join: be sure to include your full name and your blog address and please add it here soon---or message me at Brenda Sue Lansdowne at Facebook. Otherwise I don't have enough info to put you on! And we want you on the list! ;-)

Dorcas Midkiff

This sounds like so much fun:) I would love to play!

My blog is... http://wondrousstrangedesigns.blogspot.com/

Michelle Buettner

I missed out but heard about this while doing another blog hop and can't wait to return on the 14th to see what everone's created - I love sari silk!!

Patrice Pfeiffer

I would love to participate in the blog hop...I love the sari ribbon and have never done jewelry with it, so this is a good way to give it a try...Patrice Pfeiffer aka


Jean Yates

YES! I am in!
jean yates!

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