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March 22, 2013


Cindy Peterson

Thank you so much B'Sue, this means a lot to me. When at the Synergy 3 in Atlanta for polymer assoc. I was asked how I do it. I have center vision left only and can see a small area the size of a pressure foot on a sewing machine. Trying to encourage others to follow their passion and creativity. I want to use my eyes as much as I can. You are not defined by a disability but by your creativity and passion whether it is polymer, making jewelry, or whatever. There are four of us in the family with this eye disease and we are all crafty. I am a polymer clay jewelry artist who happens to have an eye problem. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I love to educate others. I am also selling little fire hydrant charms at etsy and all proceeds goes to the Oregon Commission for the Blind Foundation as they have helped my family get mobile. Thanks again

Deb Beechy

Cindy, you are such an inspiration to all of us. Your work is just gorgeous.

Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor

Wonderful article B'Sue! I loved sitting down with Cindy P getting to know her and Elizabeth and chatting about polymer clay. It was a balmy breezy day on the coast of Oregon that we won't soon forget. Cindy really is an inspiration to us all!

Piercings Australia

Your pieces are fabulous b'sue. I just love the amazing pair of earrings, those are terrific.

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