A wise man once said that a word at the right time was like apples of gold, in silver carvings.
Imagine how beautiful that would be!
I received a beautiful letter in the mail yesterday, and along with the letter, a gift:
Moriah Betterly of BluMudd is a member of B'sue Boutiques Creative Group at Facebook Many of us at the group work with brass stampings, patinas, metal, beads....but Moriah is a ceramic artist. We are delighted to have her and are inspired by her work.
Moriah's letter says:
"I just wanted to send you a little something for being supportive of my work and for allowing me to be a part of such an amazing group of people in the B'sue Boutiques Group on Facebook. I have never been a part of a more friendly and helpful group than this one. Some of the designs these folks come up with, blow my mind. I am so new to jewelry making and just starting to dabble in it, so being a part of your group and watching your videos have given me the confidence to stretch my wings a bit and venture out from just making jewelry components to trying my hand at making jewelry as well.
"The first piece is just for you. It's the second necklace I ever made and I now have you to thank for my beadie charmie addiction. (I'm wearing that necklace as I write this, and I think I'll be wearing it a lot. I LOVE it.)
"The second piece is for you to play with. I just know you'll create something fabulous with it! (Oh I don't know, Moriah....I sure hope so! This is a beautiful bracelet plaque!)
"Thank you so much for all of the support, encouragement and friendship. It truly means the world to me."
Moriah, you just MADE MY DAY. Apples of gold in silver carvings!
Visit Moriah's Facebook page here: BluMudd at Facebook
Posted by: Deb Beechy | May 29, 2013 at 07:12 PM
Beautiful. Love the jewelry.
Posted by: Jewelryshopus | May 29, 2013 at 09:48 PM
What a delightful letter & handmade treasure you received!
Posted by: Lynn Cummings | May 30, 2013 at 01:02 AM
What an elegant style. It's beautiful.
Posted by: Carmela @ Fax to Email Australia | May 31, 2013 at 11:11 AM