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December 24, 2013


marlene strait

I still have some pages of your catalog as well as a couple of your pieces. I really wanted to do 'collage' but found I didn't have the talent to do it, so I took another route and got brass finding/charms and painted then with anything that remotely qualified as paint!! Now I make wire and bead jewelry. Again I don't have the talent to do the really fancy wire work but I am content doing my 'own' style.
Thanks for taking me back down memory lane.
Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year!!!

Cindy Cima Edwards

Great post Brenda! Loved hearing about your beginnings - thanks for sharing!

Candy W.

Thank you for sharing this Brenda! You are always such an inspiration!


How wonderful! What an inspiring post.

Thanks for sharing how you started your jewelry making journey with us. I loved reading this.

Merry Christmas Brenda - you rock! :-) and thanks for all the tips and inspiration that you provide in your Facebook Creative Group - best group on Facebook for sure!


you really was and are so ahead of your time a lot of the older pieces you designed are so steam punky,fabulous and such a inspiration,you really are the sarah lawrance of the jewellery world xx

Kay B.

I am a huge fan of yours and watch you on YouTube every chance I get. You are such an amazing lady, with so many wonderful creative ideas racing round and round in your head and I am blown away by the artistic talent you have and the way you so freely share it with whoever wants to learn.
I wish you and your sweet, funny staff the best year yet and may God bless you all.

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