Are you drooling yet?
Dunno bout you, but I'm crazy for buttons. Mitzi Curi has used a bunch of cool old plastic and bakelite buttons to make the focals in the photo above!
Got any old buttons in your workshop stash that look like this?
Then you have everything you need to get moving.
Here is Mitzi's recommended equipment list:
E-6000 Craft Glue
Pinbacks for brooches
Assorted buckles and buttons
Metal bails and chains with clasps for necklaces
Wire cutters to remove button shanks
I like to do assemblage with buttons, and I like to add them to our brass blanks:
Of course this necklace has more than just buttons, but then: you know me. I never stop at simple, LOL
I used our brass necklace blank to make this one:
Find it here:
We have some in plated brass as well as other styles and sizes, too!
I also like to mount large Mother of Pearl buttons in turtle back frame-mounts. This video will show you how to do that!
I wear the necklaces I made in this video all the time!
SO MANY ways to go with old buttons!
Thanks, Mitzi, for sharing your blog with me today and those great pix at the B'sue Boutiques Creative Group
Come and visit Mitzi's blog and check out her complete post on button jewelry here:
Collage Jewelry with Vintage Buttons and Buckles
You are gonna LOVE her blog!
Thanks so much for featuring my button creations on your fabulous blog today! I always appreciate your support.....and by the way, I adore your button assemblage's so cool!
Posted by: Mitzi Curi | January 07, 2014 at 07:48 PM
Posted by: astrattamente | February 10, 2014 at 10:33 PM