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January 02, 2015


Nike Bottalico

I am so excited and Thank You for doing this for us!

Jann Tague

Thank you Brenda .. Im so excited for this challenge .. what a CHALLENGE

mary deis

Hope you choose me. This focus with you as a master teacher would be awesome.

Irene Hoffman

Thanks so much Brenda. Really looking forward to this.

Elizabeth Hildreth

I'm looking forward to this! Bring it on! :-)

Mary Reckmeyer

Such an amazing opportunity. Thank you for offering this to your creative group.

Lynda O'Mara

I'm so excited about this challenge! I was accepted and am looking forward to this journey. Thanks Brenda for this great opportunity and all the time you're putting into it.


So UPSET I missed this great opportunity.

Brenda Sue

We wil be doing it again..join the Facebook group for our monthly challenges! I will be charging for the next class but it will be smaller and more intimate. Probably next fall or winter!

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