This is the giveaway I have for TWO happy winners this weekend (this is the week of February 16-22, 2015) The retail value of this package with all this silverware silverplated material in it---including TWO of the huge filigree cuff flats!---is about 150.00 for each giveaway package.
Just about every week since our new website opened, I've had pretty big giveaways. I don't just give them out to anyone who comments, or tweets, or posts a photo on their page. I give them out to customers who know what the products are, and will use them.
The qualifier to be entered into the drawing is a 35.00 order placed at B'sue Boutiques
How can I manage to give so much away besides our regular perks at the site, every week?
Again, it's based a bit on the rewards system. We don't just give stuff away for the sake of giving it away and writing it off. We want people who actually USE our goods to have the benefit of them. Often it comes full circle because they'll post a photo on Facebook or other social media to share with their friends. This creates BUZZ. Also, they make gorgeous things from the muses and share their photos.
Many of their photos are found on my GALLERY OF INSPIRATION
I get a lot of great new ideas from their customers the same as they get them from me. Together we form quite a little community, and we are always learning from each other.
Many of my customers are members of theB'sue Boutiques Creative Group You DON'T have to be a customer to be a part! Come on over and ask to join us!
For many years I spent a ridiculous amount of money for advertising in crafts magazines. Then when we got the new site, the big AHA! moment came. THIS is an internet business, I thought! What I need is marketing, SEO, and more word of mouth advertising.
So I took a fraction of the advertising budget and I use it for the giveaways. It is so heartwarming to see the GOOD it has brought to so many.
This week as I was making photos of the twin giveway, I started playing around with the parts in it. WOW, that Silverware Silver Plate sure looks great with the Matte Black, Ebony Brass
I had some of the shell-shaped spoon findings made in matte black brass just to see the it in half, you can make a pendant from the bezel top, and one from the, just to decide what color of stones to put in those little depressions. You know, I could also just dye some pearls....or mix up a little cup of resin, add some color to it and fill them with a syringe. Hmmm!
I love this hollow, double sided pendant.....wouldn't make a great focal on a long chatelaine style necklace?
You know, you can CUT those big cuff flats in half....I showed how in a video awhile back. Look what you could do with it.....elegant focal for a necklace.
This video will show you how:
Then you could do something like this with some of the bits in the giveaway:
Again, just need to set some stones in the black floral whorl. In this case, pearls would work nicely.
So what is it for you? A brooch? A centerpiece for a necklace? Something to make into a bracelet?
Or you could do this:
These parts are all in the giveaway.
Just connect and make a bracelet by adding some of our antique silver bead and link chain:
Or use more delicate chain and make a festoon necklace with chain swags!
That large acrylic/lucite fat bangle is 47mm wide and is thick, made so nicely as an oval to the inside so it really fits well and has a precision magnetic clasp.
You could embellish it with stampings, filigree, or stud it all over with random could be made to look like an elegant Chanel cuff.
I rarely have them at the site, usually only a few times a year. We don't have any up for sale just yet. But if you win the giveaway, you'll get one for free!
There is even a foot long length of bookchain in this one, in antique silver. What to do with that?
Well it's a GREAT base for a charm bracelet, or the front for a statement choker with beads and bits hanging down. Look at what Monica Rangne of Mocki Design at Etsy did with some of that bookchain in satin matte gold lately:
That again takes me back to would be so elegant with a Chanel style suit. I think Mademoiselle would be pleased with this design.
Find the chain in brass ox, matte gold, matte black and antique silver here:
It's just so much fun to play around with a pile of stampings from B'sue Boutiques
Just think, you could win a pile, too! Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter, too....
Here is a link to last week's:
B'sue Boutiques Newsletter You can find a subscription block on it, or come to the website, and scroll down to the bottom, you can subscribe to it right there in the box, too!
That black and silver looks awesome together! Gorgeous…
Posted by: Susan Bowerman | February 17, 2015 at 06:37 PM
Love your products, and have been making your beerings. Seem to be popular,but like the backings with lace edges. Out of stock,I will try again! Really enjoy your videos,also! Keep making them!
Posted by: ann Louque | February 17, 2015 at 06:44 PM
This is a fabulous giveaway! I am loving that bracelet. Looks like your "book chain". Is it? I've been wanting to try that particular chain. My daughter loves fab bracelets like that and would wear it everywhere.
Posted by: Lee Koopman | February 17, 2015 at 08:18 PM
Hello! I just recently found your site and I am so glad I did! Those components are beautiful! They remind me of more romantic times with such a vintage flare. I would love to have a chance to see what I could design with that lovely metal! Metal and gems are my thing. Thanks for the post, I'm sure I will be back often!
Happy regards,
Teresa Dalton
Posted by: Teresa Dalton | February 18, 2015 at 09:43 PM