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February 07, 2015


Marica Zammit

Great video Brenda. Impressive how fast you put those pieces together.

From what you said in the video it looks like I'm on the right track. Woohoo! :-)

Loved reading the summary of what you said in the video here. Things are crystal clear now. Will be sharing the video on my social media channels. I believe that every designer should see it. It's that helpful!

Thank you for all that you do.

Marica xx

Marcia Tuzzolino

Your new blog is fantastic, Brenda!!

Vonda Stephenson

I watched your video last night, Brenda. Wow! You made some lovely necklaces. Our taste is so similar. This is a great blog post!

Melissa Latimer

Thank you so much, Brenda. Great information and beautiful jewelry!

Nike Bottalico

thanks so much, great blog and video~


Loved this post! This is an area I have been working on myself and I was grateful to find your post and see that I am on the right track. I agree, sometimes we just have to create one of those over the top pieces. I like working with chainmaille and by the time all is said and done that very special necklace can take up a whole lot of time. But it is great to get something like that out of your system every once in a while to challenge your creativity and help you get unstuck. Now I will take your advice and see what less labor and time intensive "spin-offs" I can come up with!


The tea themed necklace is so cool! I love the chain on it. Thanks for sharing these.


Wow ! great collection of designed jewellery, i love all pieces of your collection, it has different price according to its design, metal color and chain style. http://www.getpersonalizedjewelry.com

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