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May 05, 2015


Nike Bottalico

Good to know, I just got my first jar to try. Off to get some Lysol wipes~ thanks for the information!

Renee Hong

Thanks so much for telling me, these are big tins and I just got two. I'd be devastated to find mold in them!

Pamela Anger

Good to know! I have a jar, and I'll be sure to use a brush or stick!

Cindy Lietz

How fun to see your post about our video here today Brenda! Thank you for the mention and glad to be of assistance. I love Inka Gold and was happy that the mold issue was a quick fix and was easy to avoid in the future. Love what you've been doing with it on the brass stampings. Just gorgeous! Keep up the great work!


That is very good info to know!

Teresa Schurter

Thank You So Much Brenda Sue, Brenda D. & Cindy Lietz. I had no idea this could happen to my lovely Inkas. I've had it happen to other paints, and have cleaned them up, but using this method to clean them is a new one. It's a great idea.

Lorrainne McGlone

No fingers in the Inka Gold.......and it looks so yummy its gonna be hard to do
Mine still on their way to me and looking forward to trying them
Great advice Cindy Lietz and many thanks

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