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June 10, 2015


Jann Tague

Great inspiration Brenda .. I really enjoyed taking a stroll thru all of these beautiful pieces ..


As always a most interesting read,
My daughter had my mothers wedding dress dismantled and parts used in her dress when she remarried 2 years ago. Mums dress was 78 years old at that time and had started to fall apart.

Renee Hong

Lovely inspiration! Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, B'sue!

kristy leTrendy Jewelry Desings

How lovely and inspiring all these gorgeous jewels are, everything is just breathtaking.

Marcia Tuzzolino

Fantastic blog post, Brenda!! Thanks for sharing my Victorian bridal necklace. Lots of inspiration here.

gloria allen

Fantastik pieces, great read.

Alexandra Sefton

I LOVED this blog! All the photos and ideas of the 4 styles of jewelry were wonderful. Enjoyed seeing pix of Brenda and reading about her family. :):)

Kay Baldwin

Beautiful, awe-inspiring jewelry to make a bride even more beautiful
on her big day!

I am almost a year late with this comment but I only just now found
your blog.

I loved your wedding picture; you were as beautiful as the wedding dress you were wearing; thank you so much for sharing precious memories with us! May God continue to bless you and yours.

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