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August 05, 2015


Shari Gardner

I am definitely IN for the hop. A little nervous because I have not done one before, but I'm up for it. Already have my pieces and have already started thinking on it. This is going to be so much fun.
Shari Gardner
SLG Jewelry Designs

Lynda O'Mara

Sounds like fun! These are some of my favorite quality brass stampings from B'Sue Boutiques, so the challenge for me is how to change things up!

So, time to start ruminating and dust off my blog, because I'm in it to win it!! (Just being in the challenge is a WIN!)

Thanks Brenda Sue Lansdowne for always giving us ways to grow and expand our skills!!

Irene Hoffman

Looking forward to this. Have to do a test blog post. Challenging, but exciting. I think all participants will enjoy this. Thanks for the opportunity Brenda.

Leila Belcher

Hooray! Sounds like fun. I have 3 of the 4 pieces already. Lol

Carole Carlson

I'm not sure I'll have time for the hop...but I have acquired a challenge piece just in case.


I have the leafy piece and the tie to work with and lots of ideas. Maybe time to go get the other two and see what develops.

Lori Beekman

I am so excited! I *think* I know what I'm going to do.

Marcia Tuzzolino

Thanks for the scoop on the new blog hop. I already have my idea ready to go, and look forward to seeing what all the creative geniuses in this group will do to "Change it Up"!! Excited also, to help with the judging again, Brenda!

Siad Azri

Sounds good !!


I'm batting around a couple ideas. Something about a hop that really gets the muse in gear. I need to place an order soon and my wish list just keeps getting bigger :) Not a bad problem to have though!

gloria allen

Luv the idea!

Alexandra Sefton

Just signed up for the hop--this will be SO fun! I like that we have to pick one of the 4 pieces and then do something wild! So looking forward to seeing everyone's designs on Sept. 25! Here's to good creative thoughts for all. <3

Delyssa Maxwell

I am excited to get going on the challenge and blog hop! What is the next thing to do? Is there an agenda or a time line to follow or do we jump in and start on our own? I seem to remember a couple of scheduled times when everyone went to the blogs....I guess that I need more than a little direction here.

Just call me Delyssa the Confused....

Gina-Marie Hammer

I'm definitely going to be too late for the September hop, as I have a storefront, but no webpage or blog, yet. I might still do the jewelry challenge, though. Better late than never, right?

Gina-Marie Hammer
Tangles, Twists and Treasures

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