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February 22, 2017


M Rangne

Loved this blog B'Sue! You write so well and I loved all the information. I'm so happy that you are doing this collaboration and "chasing the business"!

Mary Lou Guidry

Brenda, I have throughly enjoyed reading your Blog. You are so very generous to share your experiences, your talent & videos & your knowledge about Jewelry Making with Everyone.
I really do appreciate being a member of B'Sues Creative Group. Having You as The Creator & The Leader & The Teacher of this Group has been a Wonderful Experience for Myself & Everyone.
And Your Business B'Sues Boutique.com offers such a Great Variety of Jewelry Making Products & Tools for Everyone to make Jewelry and You also have such a Very Friendly & Helpful Staff.
I have had the experience of Ordering from Jordan & He was Very helpful & patient.
I am so excited that You Now have The New " B'Sues 1928 " Component Line, " Congratulations "
All of Your Products are So Very Beautiful.
Brenda, Thank You for Always Being So Very Helpful & Also Very Generous with Everyone.
Mary Lou Guidry

Chris at Vintage Cravens

Such an exciting time at B'Sue Boutiques! Thank you for sharing 1928 treasures with us and for highlighting Alison's beautiful work :)

Susan Bowerman

You are and continue to be a constant stream of inspiration. I adore a good success story, especially one that is so well earned. It warms my heart to see how your dream has evolved from having a dream and twenty dollars in your pocket to what it has become today. Thank YOU for sharing your story, and for YOUR artistic generosity and for letting us be part of YOUR JOURNEY as you try to help us develop OURS! Hugs to you and thank you! xoxoxo

Carole Carlson

Thanks for sharing the story behind the B'Sue by 1928 line. It's interesting how your past efforts resulted in your current successes. Nothing we do is ever wasted. And congratulations on the editor's pick from Belle Armoire!

Lee Koopman

Great blog post Brenda! It's so much fun to watch this exciting development from the sidelines and to be able to view the process and virtually travel along this fantastic voyage with you.


Besides jewelry, you have taught me to be positive and be prepared. Thank you for sharing the story. Congratulations to every amazing thing happened to you.

Beth Trubman

Thank you for sharing so much of yourself Brenda.

Marica Zammit

Thank you so much for writing this blog post.

So inspiring. Congratulations on the wonderful coverage of the new B'sue by 1928 line on Belle Armoire. Well deserved. I can't wait to start creating with the pieces I got from the line.

ellen w gonchar

Fabulous blog! So chock full of great info on 1928 jewelry! It is going to be wonderful to watch the B'sue 1928 line grow and grow! Also, Allison's jewelry is spectacular....truly breath taking!

Kim Henry

Love watching your new line take off - congratulations - you are truly an inspirational entrepreneur. And for those of us who get a kick out of just collecting cool supplies, thanks for always having something fun to buy.

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