I Don't Think We Ever Talked About This

Book picture


If you follow me on social media, you're well aware that I wrote a book about The 1928 Jewelry Company.  It published in September, 2020---I can hardly believe it's been out that long.  Many of those who follow me also have a copy of my book and the general consensus is that it's quite good.


But I didn't write about it in my blog.  Hmmmm.  So you might not know about it! Why didn't I?


The last time I wrote in my blog was just after I began to write  Making It 1928.  It took three arduous years of work from start to finish, and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I loved the story, and the research I did to write it was fascinating. It also required about six trips to Burbank, California....where the company factory is located. I didn't mind, I loved the trip. BUT:  On top of the work it takes to run my business, the book took nearly all the time I had left in a day.  Often it overtook my bedtime in a number of unhealthy ways. So, the blog was let go for a few years, after writing in it regularly since 2005. Not good.


Finally the boxes with my first books arrived....what a rush!  You can watch me open them right here, and get to see what's inside:




This is the back cover of the book:


Book back picture

There's a great deal to be said about the writing of a book, and I'll talk about that in blog posts going forward. But, one thing I can tell you right now: I'll never look at the printed word in the same way again. 


If you ever decide you'd like to write a book, read about doing it, first.  I'd recommend the book, On Writing Well by William K. Zinsser  Find it here, at Barnes and Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/on-writing-well-william-k-zinsser/1100551159?ean=9780060891541 


And...be sure you employ the services of a good editor. I had two and I needed them both! It's virtually impossible to correctly edit your own book--you need fresh eyes and another viewpoint from someone who is experienced in the process. Even if in time you become an experienced author---you STILL need an editor.


I wish I'd read it ON WRITING WELL first, before I  began my book--but I found it  late in the "adventure". I would have saved my editor a lot of grief if I'd had it on hand beforehand. I thought I knew about writing! HA! But.....writing a book is a completely different animal  than anything you've previously written. Ever.  Trust me on that.

You can get a copy of MAKING IT 1928 at B'sue Boutiques, if you'd like:  https://www.bsueboutiques.com/Making-It-1928-Story-of-the-1928-Jewelry-Company-p/1928book.htm

There are also very inexpensive EPUB electronic copies available for your Kindle or iPad, if you'd rather.


Let me know what you think of it!

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