THANKS!!! to all who came to the blog to comment on Michelle's book and to try and win a copy of it.
We had over 85 responses and from the commentary received, I do believe Michelle has a best-seller on her hands!
So glad she won, she's gonna love this volume. As for the rest, perhaps some of the other groups you belong to will have promotions and opportunities to win, as the book is being widely promoted.
To tell you the truth, my feeling is this: WHY WAIT? You're an automatic winner if you just go get yourself a copy. I believe Amazon is carrying it and I know you can get it at Barnes and Noble.
It may be possible to obtain a copy directly from the author as well. If you do that, perhaps she'll sign it for you. For me, my author-signed books are my treasures.
Michelle Mach's Etsy shop is
Follow her on Twitter @beadsandbooks
At B'sue Boutiques not only do we strive to offer you the best in jewelry making components, things I KNOW are quality and will set your work apart. My journey is long. I've been using American-made and the best in European-made product for almost three decades.
Our special joy is to provide free instruction at our YouTube channel:
Some who counsel about making video say your videos should get to the point, and be short.
I agree that getting to the point is always a great idea, but being short: sorry, that's not easily done and rarely well done, IMHO. You really can't fully teach a great technique in five minutes or less.
Short videos leave out most of the vital details and YOU, the hopeful learner, to go off, scratch your head and try to figure it out by yourself.....which you could have done without even watching the video, I suppose.
So come join us for our virtual classes at You Tube. Yesterday it was my pleasure to shout out Michelle's book on our mini-assemblage video, at about minute 34, toward the very end:
I like Michelle's approach to making things easy and compelling. SO....just go get the book.
And do come and visit us for our videos, share them with your friends, and check out B'sue Boutiques for your supply needs.
You might like to join us at the B'sue Boutiques Creative Group for a no-drama collaboration of assemblage and mixed media artists of like mind who share their journey and care about yours, too.
We have many challenges including our monthly ones (this month we are making CAMEO JEWELRY) and WTW, which is WORK TABLE WEDNESDAY----a giftie is randomly given to a participant EVERY WEEK....and FINISHED UP FRIDAY, which shows the work we've gotten done that week. There is a gift given by your peers at the group for a randomly chosen participant every month.
I give away Muse packages, samples, things on your wish list if you pin them at our HEY! Look What I Got from B'sue Boutiques Pinterest board, and free shopping passes to happy winners who visit our website and place orders, every week.
The best thing anyone can give, however, is their time. When you consider how much time it takes your fave authors to produce the books they write, and the cost of the books seems so inconsequential. In the long run, they do it for the love of getting the info out there---you really don't make a ton to write a book.
As for our free videos and the free help at the B'sue groups at Facebook...well, I can't even tell you how much time that takes. It's all from the heart.
And when I see how people grow as artists, progress, and become all they can be and more, I love to shout them out, congratulate and promote them. And it makes me feel so proud to have been any little part of their success.
Congratulations, Michelle, on a job well done!